Card of the Week: Master Jesus

Master Jesus card from Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate this holiday. Today I was drawn to the Keepers of The Light Oracle Cards. As I was shuffling, a card jumped out, it was Master Jesus. He has a message for us this Easter Sunday. I feel humbled that this card appeared on today of all days.

Jesus, being primary focus of Christianity as the son of God, is known as a gentle guide and teacher, a generous soul who loves and accepts us all. One does not have to be Christian to reach out to him, he will respond. He is the Light Keeper whom we can call on when in need of self-love and forgiveness. And he reminds us that love is the most important connection we can create.

He sees the potential of goodness within us all. The divine is not condemning you, if there is a situation which does not support your happiness, you do not have let it continue to define you. Jesus has appeared this week to show us the path to healing and to release you from the self-hate which may be burdening you.

I believe there are many paths to the Divine. Whatever path one is on, it is how life is lived that is most important. We, as humans, are not perfect, but in our imperfection there are lessons that can be learned, and we need to try to be kind and forgive ourselves and strive to forgive and be accepting of others as well.

Have a blessed week.

Card of the Week: Three of Cups / Puffin

Three of Cups / Puffin card from Animal Totem Tarot.

Hello everyone! After a short break I am back at it. I needed the time to recharge, and welcome a new kitty to the family.

This week’s card is the Three of Cups / Puffin from Animal Totem Tarot.

The scene on the card is of the ocean shore. On top of each of the three upright cups stands a puffin. One has wings outstretched facing the sun looking ready to take off. The second has a bounty of fish being held in their beak. The third appears to be preening. They all seem to be enjoying their day.

Puffins have been connected to the spiritual realm because they have been compared to friars praying. When they are standing on the rocky cliffs, their heads bowed to the sea, they appear to be giving thanks and honoring their surroundings. But there are times when Puffins also seem to be joyful and having fun!

This week, while you are at work or doing the required mundane chores or duties, remember to also make time to have fun. Celebrate all the good that surrounds you. Stand in the sun’s warming light and feel the energy flow through you, enjoy a satisfying meal, get a new haircut or that fabulous smelling body wash or perfume/cologne you have had your eye on, or get a manicure/pedicure. Spend time with those you love.

Message from Puffin:

“All work and no play makes Puffin a very boring bird indeed. There must be balance in your life between the world you live in, the world your soul is in, and the joy you give for both. Which is why we party! Gather some friends and allow yourself to unwind; it’s time to take your serious face off and feel the fun of your physical journey.”

Have a super week!