Tag: universal waite tarot

Card of the Week: Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck.

This weeks card comes from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck, I drew the Eight of Swords.

This card depicts a woman who is bound, and blindfolded. There are eight swords in the ground surrounding her. She feels helpless. But, the binds that tie her are loose; she could easily slip out of them, remove her blindfold and move the swords out of her way to free herself.

The Eight of Swords symbolizes that which you believe is holding you back, but, actually, it is only the perception of the situation that is holding you back. It is a representation of your inner fears and anxieties.

This week, you may believe that you have no control over a situation, and feel trapped by it. However there is likely a way around this, you just need to “open your eyes” and expand your ideas to see that you are not really trapped. It may take just a bit of work and overcoming your insecurities, but it is possible. You are not tied to your current situation, and not as helpless as you may think you are.

Card of the Week: The High Priestess

The High Priestess card from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck.

This week’s card comes from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck. I drew The High Priestess.

This card depicts a woman in spiritual robes, with a headpiece depicting the three phases of the moon. There is a curtain behind her blocking the view. But, when looking closely, you can see water behind the curtain, a lake.

The High Priestess appearing is an indication that this week is a time to withdrawal and reflect; to contemplate and seek peace more than the answers. As you are doing this, the answers may come.

The High Priestess may also indicate a secret that is being guarded, or there is some hidden aspect which could be having an affect on you. This could be a secret you are keeping, or one that is being kept from you by someone else. Or you are not seeing something which could be affecting you, it is hidden from your view and you may need to seek it out in order to find it. This is not intended to cause paranoia, but something to reflect upon. Use your intuition to help you.

Card of the Week: Justice

Justice card from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck.

The card draw for this upcoming week is Justice, from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck.  The Justice card depicts a woman holding up a sword in her right hand, and scales in her left hand.

Justice symbolizes the divine balance in the universe, karma, cause and effect. The appearance of the Justice card affirms that you will need to take time to evaluate, all factors must be weighed. Try to look at all sides of a situation equally, and with an open mind and not allowing emotion or passion to cloud your judgment. Compromise may be necessary in order to be fair to yourself and others.

This week, remember the Justice card, and to view all sides fairly with an open mind and giving credence to all sides, and to reach a decision which will result in equality and balance. Try to bring people together so that an equitable agreement can be reached.

Also, if you are facing legal issues, it is possible that a judgement will be reached this week.